Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A few tips..

1.     Get permission from the owner first. For public places along with permission notify local police of what you’re doing there. It’s best NOT to go to jail!

2.     NEVER go alone! If you get hurt who’s going to help you?

3.     Always tell someone where you are going and when you should be back. This should be a responsible person who will be willing to come look for you.

4.     We recommend that you visit the location in the daytime before you do a nighttime investigation. Take notes and be aware of any hazards including holes in the floors and ceilings. Bring a respirator if needed for dust and asbestos.

5.     If it is an unsafe area (bad neighborhood, etc.), it’s probably best that you don’t go.

6.     ALWAYS have a flashlight with plenty of extra batteries and a cell phone that is fully charged. (And a car charger just in case you experience battery drainage.)

7.     If it’s an abandoned building or home, make notes of all of the exits so you can make a quick get away.

8.     Be aware that some of those “abandoned” buildings may not be completely abandoned. There could be squatters inside, so look for signs that there may be someone living there that may be hiding. This could be extremely dangerous.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A little history..

I've told you a few times that we would be investigating the Bell Witch Cave in the near future and I've also told you that I would give you some history behind the hauntings. I have found a site that will give you a short overview of the history. Click here to reach this site! I hope you enjoy reading!!

Thanks for reading and have a happy paranormal day!!
The death of John Bell

Walk through of client's home

We went on a walk-through of a location today and the owners had some amazing claims! There were two possible suicides in the home; they have seen a little boy, an older woman and man, and a shadow man that looks like he's wearing a trench coat and top hat. They also have claims of lights going off and on; one person has been hit, and hearing footsteps in their attic when no one was up there. Over the next few days we are going to be doing research on the home to see if the suicides did happen and whatever else we can find out about the property. Baseline EMF readings were ranging between 0.1 and 0.2, except for one spot on the owners bed; the reading there got up to 1.7... That reading did not extend under the bed, above 5 inches from the top of the bed, nor side to side. We checked under the mattress and box springs and found nothing. There was no explanation for that reading.

We will be contacting the owners again after doing some research on the property to set up a time to do the investigation. The evidence will be posted after it is presented to the owners along with whatever information we find about the property. We will not be posting any names or addresses of the owners or the names of the two possible suicide victims out of respect for the dead and their living relatives.

Thank you for reading and have a happy paranormal day!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

New client

We will be meeting with a new client tomorrow, she has asked to remain anonymous. We will also be doing a walk-through of her house and doing baseline readings. She has given us permission to post evidence that we gather from her home.

Thank you for reading and have a happy paranormal day!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Smudging is a ritual way to cleanse a person, place or an object of unwanted and negative energies, spirits or influences. The smudging ceremony involves the burning of special, sacred plants and herbal resins, then, either passing an object through the resulting smoke, or fanning the smoke around a person or place. The spirit of the plant then purifies whatever is being smudged.

There are two ways of doing a smudging ceremony. The simplest way to smudge is to use a smudge stick. A smudge stick is a wand made of the leaves of a plant or mixture of plants tied together and dried. To use, simply light the end of the wand and extinguish the flame once it has a smoldering end. Have the person being smudged stand facing you and pass the wand back and forth through the person's aura starting at their feet and moving upwards. When you reach their head, have them turn, clockwise and pass the wand down their back. To cleanse a room or house, carry in the lit smudge stick, clockwise around the area, making sure to smudge in the corners and behind doors. The second way of smudging is to use self-igniting or incense charcoal as a source of heat. Light the charcoal and place it in a heat proof container. Sprinkle about a half a teaspoon of smudging herb on the charcoal and fan the smoke toward the object being smudged as above.

Some cultures use sage and sweet grass for smudging. Sage is used in spiritual ceremonies and for physical, spiritual, and mental healings. It is used to purify people, places, and objects. Sweet grass is used in prayer, smudging or purifying ceremonies as well. Because of the sweet smell of the sweet grass it is used to attract positive spirits, bad spirits also enjoy the scent. To ward off the bad spirits sage is burned first to make them sick.

            Satchels of sweet grass and sage can be placed over doors, windows, or any other openings to your home to ward off bad spirits and invite good energies in. Another thing to remember is to place mirrors on the inside walls of your home NOT outer walls. It’s believed that mirrors can be used as portals that allow spirits in.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Basic ghost hunting kit...

            Some of the most basic equipment can be your best friends in an investigation. I think for a beginner the best pieces to have are an easy to use digital recorder (I recommend an Olympus), a digital camera, some sort of EMF detector, and a video camera with night vision. My first kit was composed of a digital recorder, video camera, digital camera, a flashlight, a K2 meter, and tons of batteries. I would practice doing EVP’s in my home (which was not hauntedL) to get over that silly feeling of talking to the air. I played around with my equipment until I knew it backward and forward.

Since then I have built my kit from a small cardboard box to 6 pelican cases full of equipment. Most of it my husband has gotten me for Christmas and my birthday. He supports my love of the paranormal. I now have full spectrum cameras, IR cameras, laser grids, an Ovilus X, spirit box, etc. The best results came from my basic kit; it doesn’t have to be the most expensive equipment just be sure you know how to use it properly!

Thanks for reading and have a happy paranormal day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My husbands blog

My husband has started his own blog reviewing the stores we have bought our equipment from. Please if you are considering buying equipment visit his blog before you buy. The link to it is:

I will review the gadgets we have gotten from those stores and he will review the stores themselves.

Thank you for reading and have a happy paranormal day!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Good news...

My toes are now healed and I'll be out and about taking pictures of our investigators and getting their bios together. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask us in the comment section or visit us on our Facebook page!/pages/Cedar-Hill-Adams-Paranormal-Society/263919667008529?sk=wall&filter=1. You can also email us at

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's been awhile...

I apologize for the delay in posting anything in the last 2 weeks. I have been talking with someone who has asked us to investigate her home. She is having some strange things happen that she cannot explain. We have been doing what we can to keep in touch with her and figure out a time to get together with her. She is currently out of town so hopefully I will have results of an investigation to share with you all soon. Paranormal happenings in this area are a lot more common than people think. It's just many people are afraid to talk about it.

The infamous Bell Witch hauntings took place between 1817 and 1821. It’s the only known instance in which a human being was killed by a spirit and the most documented case of the paranormal. I will talk a lot more about this subject in another post. I have been lucky enough that one of my childhood friends’ parents are the owners of the Bell Witch Cave. Ghost and the paranormal have always been a part of my life and I am enjoying the thought of sharing these experiences with all of my readers!

Thank you for reading and have a happy paranormal day!

To research the Bell Witch on your own please visit the Official site at

This is the site ran by the owners and not an outside party..